* 增
* int|boolen pdo_insert($tablename,$data=array(),$replace=false)
* $tablename 表名称 要全名 例如 'ims_jscm_hongbao_users'
* $replace true 是插入数据模式
public function doWebAdd(){
$query = array('weixinhao'=>'wxbm','nickname'=>'微信保姆','openid'=>'efeefafasfasdfsaf');
$result = pdo_insert('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$query,true);
if($result == 1){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = "插入数据成功";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "插入数据失败";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* pdo_insert 来实现 改 第2种方法 (不推荐使用,了解即可,修改还是推荐使用pdo_update)
* int|boolen pdo_insert($tablename,$data=array(),$replace=true)
* $tablename 表名称 要全名 例如 'ims_jscm_hongbao_users'
* $replace false 是编辑模式,
* 注意:$replace = false 这种编辑的方法要把记录的所有字段全部都要列到数组里,
* 否则其他没有列入的字段会被设为空,或者默认值
public function doWebEdit(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$query = array('id'=>$id,'weixinhao'=>'wxbm11','nickname'=>'微信保姆11','openid'=>'11eefafasfasdfsaf');
$result = pdo_insert('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$query,true);
if($result == 2){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = "编辑数据成功";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "编辑数据失败";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* 删
* int|boolen pdo_delete($tablename,$condition=array(),$glue='AND')
* $condition 删除条件是个数组
* $glue 逻辑关系 默认是 AND 可以设置为 OR
* 解释:当条件数组 $condition 里大于等于2个条件时,可以起作用
* AND 条件满足 条件1 AND 条件2 AND 条件n 的执行删除
* 例如
* $result = pdo_delete('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition=array('id'=>10,'weixinhao'=>'wxbm10'),$glue='AND')
* 满足 id 和 weixinhao 全部的条件才可删除
* OR 条件满足 条件1 OR 条件2 OR 条件n 其中任意一条的执行删除
* 例如
* $result = pdo_delete('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition=array('id'=>11,'weixinhao'=>'wxbm'),$glue='OR')
* 满足 id 和 weixinhao 任意一个条件的都执行删除
* 返回结果 是删除的记录数,0 表示删除失败,或没有删除,1 表示删除了 1条记录 ,3表示删除了3条记录
public function doWebDel(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$weixinhao = $_GPC['weixinhao'];
$condition = array('id'=>$id,'weixinhao'=>$weixinhao);
$result = pdo_delete('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition,'AND');
if($result > 0){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = $result."条记录删除成功";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "删除数据失败";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
public function doWebDelOr(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$weixinhao = $_GPC['weixinhao'];
$condition = array('id'=>$id,'weixinhao'=>$weixinhao);
$result = pdo_delete('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition,'OR');
if($result > 0){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = $result."条记录删除成功";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "删除数据失败";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* 改
* array | boolean pdo_update($tablename,$data = array(), $condition = array(), $glus='AND')
* $glue 逻辑关系 默认是 AND 可以设置为 OR
* 解释:当条件数组 $condition 里大于等于2个条件时,可以起作用
* AND 条件满足 条件1 AND 条件2 AND 条件n 的执行更新
* 例如
* $result = pdo_update('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$data=array('weixinhao'=>'xiaoguan100'),$condition=array('id'=>1,'weixinhao'=>'xiao-guan'),$glue='AND')
* 满足 id 和 weixinhao 全部的条件才可更新
* OR 条件满足 条件1 OR 条件2 OR 条件n 其中任意一条的执行更新
* 例如
* $result = pdo_delete('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition=array('id'=>11,'weixinhao'=>'wxbm'),$glue='OR')
* 满足 id 和 weixinhao 任意一个条件的都执行更新
public function doWebUpdate(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$weixinhao = $_GPC['weixinhao'];
$result = pdo_update('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$query=array('weixinhao'=>'xiaoguan100'),$condition=array('id'=>$id,'weixinhao'=>$weixinhao),$glue='AND');
if($result > 0){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = $result."条记录更新成功";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "更新数据失败";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
public function doWebUpdateOr(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$weixinhao = $_GPC['weixinhao'];
$result = pdo_update('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$query=array('weixinhao'=>'jonyguan'),$condition=array('id'=>$id,'weixinhao'=>$weixinhao),$glue='OR');
if($result > 0){
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = $result."条记录更新成功";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "更新数据失败";
$resMeg['query'] = $query;
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* 查-单条
* array|boolean pdo_get($tablename, $condition = array(), $fields = array());
* $condition 条件数组 可多条件
* $fields 默认不设置为返回所有字段,指定返回的字段
public function doWebGet(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$result = pdo_get('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition = array('id'=>$id), $fields = array('weixinhao','nickname'));
$resMeg = [];
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = "查询数据成功";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
$resMeg['data'] = $result;
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "查询数据失败";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* 查-多条
* array|boolean pdo_getall($tablename, $condition = array(), $fields = array(), $keyfield = '' ,$orderby = array(), $limit = array());
* $condition 条件数组 可选项
* $fields 默认不设置为返回所有字段,指定返回的字段
public function doWebGetAll(){
global $_GPC;
$id = $_GPC['id'];
$weixinhao = $_GPC['weixinhao'];
$condition = array();
$fields = array();
$keyfield = '';//用于指定一个下标名,这个不常用,推荐空着
$orderby = array();
$limit = array();
$condition['weixinhao'] = 'wxbm';
$condition['id <'] = '26';
$fields[] = 'id';
$fields[] = 'weixinhao';
$fields[] = 'nickname';
$orderby[] = 'id ASC';
$limit[] = 1;
$limit[] = 3;
$result = pdo_getall('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition,$fields,$keyfield,$orderby,$limit);
$resMeg = [];
$resMeg['status'] = 1;
$resMeg['meg'] = "查询数据成功";
$resMeg['total'] = count($result);
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
$resMeg['data'] = $result;
$resMeg['status'] = 0;
$resMeg['meg'] = "查询数据失败";
$resMeg['condition'] = $condition;
echo json_encode($resMeg);
* 查 - 常用带分页列表方法 - pdo_getall 实现
* 参数 page 页数
* 参数 pagesize 是每页多少条
* https://api.qdb2c.com/web/index.php?c=site&a=entry&m=jscm_hongbao&do=pagelist&page=1&pagesize=5
public function doWebPageList(){
global $_W ,$_GPC;
$total = count(pdo_getall('ims_jscm_hongbao_users'));
$condition = array();
$fields = array();
$keyfield = '';//用于指定一个下标名,这个不常用,推荐空着
$orderby = array();
$limit = array();
$orderby[] = 'id asc';
$limit[] = $p;
$limit[] = $pagesize;
$userlist = pdo_getall('ims_jscm_hongbao_users',$condition,$fields,$keyfield,$orderby,array(1,4));
echo "<hr/><hr/>";
echo "<hr/>";
* 查 - 常用带分页列表方法 - pdo_fetchall 实现
* 参数 page 页数
* 参数 pagesize 是每页多少条
* https://api.qdb2c.com/web/index.php?c=site&a=entry&m=jscm_hongbao&do=pagelist&page=1&pagesize=5
public function doWebPageList2(){
global $_W ,$_GPC;
/** 注意tablename写的时候不要带前缀ims_否则会报错,
* 例如表名为 ims_jscm_hongbao_users
* 用tablename函数的写法是 tabalename('jscm_hongbao_users')
$sql="select * from ".tablename('jscm_hongbao_users');
$sql.=" order by id desc limit ".$p.",".$pagesize;
$userslist = pdo_fetchall($sql);